The MD Telehealth/Telemedicine Survey Roundtable

When: December 6, 2010
Time: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: Maryland Department of Agriculture, 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis

Read the Final Roundtable Report, which was delivered to the House Health and Government Operations Committee on January 20, 2011. Minor Updates to the report were made on January 26. Read the updated final report.

The Federation of State Medical Boards held an invitational symposium in Washington, D.C. on March 10, 2011 to discuss the future of telemedicine. More than 100 physicians and lawyers from across the country met to share their experiences, perspectives and ideas. The Rural Maryland Council was fortunate to be invited to this event, along with our partners at the American Heart and Stroke Association. We have prepared a brief overview of the major themes and ideas that were discussed at the symposium that we think are relevant to the efforts to implement a Maryland Telehealth Network. Read the briefing.

Presentations from the Roundtable are now posted

Background: The 2007 Maryland Rural Health Plan, released by the State Office of Rural Health (SORH), identified access to primary and specialty care as the top priority for ensuring quality care in rural Maryland. In 2008, the Rural Maryland Council (RMC) and SORH conducted a Rural Health Roundtable to determine actions the RMC could take to help implement at least a portion of the plan. One of the many recommendations to emerge from that event was to create a statewide telehealth consortium that would help those delivering and receiving telehealth/telemedicine (THTM) services to use technology more widely and cost effectively to deliver care across the state.

In February 2009, the RMC and SORH held a statewide Telehealth Roundtable that concluded that a statewide inventory of current THTM projects needed to be undertaken to better understand what the state of THTM was in Maryland before moving forward with a consortium.

In 2010, the Upper Shore Regional Council, an active participant in both Roundtables, as well as a member of the RMC's Health Care Working Committee and Telehealth Subcommittee, obtained a grant to fund this inventory. Administering the survey was sub-contracted to the Maryland Rural Health Association in cooperation with the RMC.

The December 2010 Roundtable will review the results of the survey and consider recommendations for moving forward. An interim report, based on the results gathered as of September 2010, was compiled to begin the discussion

Maryland Telehealth Roundtable Agenda

See a list of stakeholders who participated in the Roundtable.

Welcome and Greetings:

Discussion of Identified Barriers:

Noon to 12:30 p.m. - Lunch Break.

Discussion of Recommendations

Rural Maryland Council :: 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway :: Annapolis, MD 21401 :: 410-841-5772